Sensational Senses

Touch - despite their tough exterior, Aldabra giant tortoises are extremely sensitive especially on their skin and shells. The shell absorbs the suns rays which provides energy for these cold-blooded creatures.

Sight - Aldabra giant tortoises have good eye sight with all-round vision. They can see colours and their preferred colour is yellow.

Hearing - the ears are scales behind the eyes that vibrate with low frequency sounds

Smell - probably their most important and developed sense. They use smell to search out food, nesting areas, water, and mates. They can smell water from over 1km away.

Adapted to Survive

Aldabra giant tortoises can drink water through their nose. Their flat nose enables them to drink water collected in shallow pools. This means that they can access small amounts of water which helps them keep hydrated in a hot and hostile environment

Big Sleepers

These huge reptiles can sleep up to 18 hours a day. Adult giant tortoises sleep with necks extended which helps them cool down. They are able to do this because they have evolved without large predators that would attack them, so they can sleep safe and sound.